Ottawa, Ontario (PRWEB) March 24, 2014
A life filled with roadblocks and challenges, divorce and death, bullying and life-threatening illness should knock you on your back. That much negativity in one lifetime should send you into depression.
While going through this particularly rough patch in her personal journey, Jackie Hardcastle began to have a series of incredible dreams.
Hardcastle said, “These were the most awesome dreams, colors were extraordinarily vibrant and often came with a message or information that I felt compelled to write down to remember.”
She began to then write a dream diary thinking it could be a small book for her children to help them understand who she was as a person. Hardcastle said, “As I went through the process, dreams turned into visions, and as I went to write them down they turned into poetry.”
Her dreams then turned into her new book, “Visions in Poetry.” Hardcastle hopes to use her life experiences as an example that readers can relate to and help them achieve a higher awareness, both emotionally and spiritually.
“Visions in Poetry” is a mixture between inspiring poetry and stories from her personal journey.
Hardcastle said, “Life’s challenges exist; it is how we deal with it and where we go from there that counts the most.”
The book launch for “Visions in Poetry” will be held at the Westboro Masonic Hall in Ottawa, Ontario on Sunday, March 30th from 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
“Visions in Poetry”
By Jackie Hardcastle
ISBN: 978-1-4525-8640-3
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and BalboaPress online bookstores