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There aren’t many things that are more revealing than art. Whether writing a story, painting a picture, or singing a song, we put ourselves directly into the things we create. Knowing this, many people tend to keep their creations to themselves for fear of judgment from others and/or having their work...

Poetry’s origins are in song and chant that made their impact by sound. It remains, for me, an art of the spoken word: that it’s seen in print on the...

This is the best smegging talk about Creative Writing I’ve ever seen. Ray Bradbury wrote with such a passion and joy that he’s an exemplar...

It’s been said that writing is a solitary vocation, and while that’s true in terms of sitting at the desk doing the actual writing, it is far from...

“I’ve seen it recently said on LinkedIn that it’s wrong to limit poetry through any kind of definition, wrong to say that anything isn’t...

I must open this by giving Elmore Leonard credit.  He’s a truly great writer, enough so that I suspect he’d encourage an analysis of his advice....

05/10/2011 Last week, we had three different performers recording, at Iron Mountain. Self-understandingly, Louis Barabbas. I’ve never had so many performances...

China Miéville: Writers should welcome a future where readers remix our books Novelist says anti-piracy measures mooted for literature are ‘disingenuous,...

by_lachtaube-d3wv44m @deviant art Since an early age, I have had make-believe people in my head.  I know how that sounds and I am willing to admit its...

In plodding through my second novel, I’ve had to garner a very close relationship with a reader’s expectations. They always have them, persistent...

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