WALTER WILLIAM SAFAR was born on August 6th 1958 . He is the author of a number of a significant number of prose works and novels, including "Leaden fog", "Chastity on sale", "In the falmes of passion", "The price of life", "Above the clouds", "The infernal circle", "The scream", "The Devil’s Architect”, "Queen Elizabeth II", as well as a book of poems.
You are calling out for me, road of dreams,
To the land beyond the rainbow,
Where losers become winners.
You are calling out for me, road of dreams,
Against the old oak I cling my cheek
to hear a lost voice inside;
The voice of a lost friend,
the voice of my lost father and mother,
the voice of lost...
Ideas make the world go round
Today, I am more than ever convinced that ideas and imagination are more valuable than oil and gas, and I’m not talking...